Publications & Papers



  • T. Medjkoune, O. Goga, J. Senechal (2023). “Marketing to children through online targeted advertising: Targeting mechanisms and legal aspects”, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’23). Available at:
  • A. Girish, T. Hu, V. Prakash, D. Dubois, S. Matic, D. Huang, S. Egelman, J. Reardon, J. Tapiador, D. Choffnes, N. Vallina-Rodriguez. (2023). “In the room where It happens: Characterizing local communication and threats in smart homes”, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference. Available at:
  • S. Chouaki, O. Goga, H. Haddadi, P. Snyder (2023). “Understanding the privacy risks of popular search engine advertising systems”, Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ’23). Available at:
  • A. Lyons, J. Gamba, A. Shawaga, J. Reardon, J. Tapiador, S. Egelman, N. Vallina-Rodríguez. (2023). “Log: It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s filled with personal data! Measuring the logging of sensitive information in the Android ecosystem”, Usenix Security Symposium. Available at:
  • J. Gamba, A. Feal, E. Blazquez, V. Bandara, A. Razaghpanah, J. Tapiador, N. Vallina-Rodriguez. (2023). “Mules and permission laundering in Android: Dissecting custom permissions in the wild”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Available at:
  • J. Moreno, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, J. Tapiador. (2023). “Chrowned by an Extension: Abusing the Chrome DevTools Protocol through the Debugger API”, IEEE Euro S&P Conference. Available at:
  • K. Hageman, A. Feal, J. Gamba, A. Girish, J. Bleier, M. Lindorfer, J. Tapiador, N. Vallina-Rodriguez. (2023). “Mixed signals: Analyzing software attribution challenges in the android ecosystem”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Available at:
  • D. Nevado-Catalán, S. Pastrana, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, J. Tapiador. (2023). “An analysis of fake social media engagement services”, Computers & Security, 124:103013, Elsevier. Available at:
  • E. Blázquez, J. Tapiador (2023). “Kunai: A static analysis framework for Android apps”, SoftwareX, 22: 101370, Elsevier. Available at:
  • A. Pradeep, Á. Feal, J. Gamba, A. Rao, M. Lindorfer, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, D. Choffnes (2023). “Not your average app: A large-scale privacy analysis of Android browsers”, Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS).
  • A. Lyons, J. Gamba, A. Shawaga, J. Reardon, J. Tapiador, S. Egelman, N. Vallina-Rodríguez. (2023). “Log: It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s filled with personal data! Measuring the logging of sensitive information in the Android ecosystem”, Usenix Security Symposium. Available at:
  • J. Gamba, A. Feal, E. Blazquez, V. Bandara, A. Razaghpanah, J. Tapiador, N. Vallina-Rodriguez. (2023). “Mules and permission laundering in Android: Dissecting custom permissions in the wild”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. Available at:
  • J. Moreno, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, J. Tapiador. (2023). “Chrowned by an Extension: Abusing the Chrome DevTools Protocol through the Debugger API”, IEEE Euro S&P Conference. Available at:
  • K. Hageman, A. Feal, J. Gamba, A. Girish, J. Bleier, M. Lindorfer, J. Tapiador, N. Vallina-Rodriguez. (2023). “Mixed signals: Analyzing software attribution challenges in the android ecosystem”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Available at:
  • D. Nevado-Catalán, S. Pastrana, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, J. Tapiador. (2023). “An analysis of fake social media engagement services”, Computers & Security, 124:103013, Elsevier. Available at:
  • E. Blázquez, J. Tapiador (2023). “Kunai: A static analysis framework for Android apps”, SoftwareX, 22: 101370, Elsevier. Available at:
  • A. Pradeep, Á. Feal, J. Gamba, A. Rao, M. Lindorfer, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, D. Choffnes (2023). “Not your average app: A large-scale privacy analysis of Android browsers”, Proceedings of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETS).



  • M. Nguyen, L. Edelson, I. Goldstein, O. Goga, D. McCoy and T. Lauinger. “Understanding engagement with (mis)information news sources on Facebook”, Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). 2021.
  • M.T. Paracha, D.J. Dubois, N. Vallina-Rodriguez, D. Choffnes (2021). “IoTLS: Understanding TLS usage in consumer IoT devices”, Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC). 2021.

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